About Us

Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC) is a not-for-profit corporation in the state of New York responsible for promoting and enhancing the reliability of the international, interconnected bulk power system in Northeastern North America.  NPCC is one of six Regional Entities which, together with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), make up the Electric Reliability Organization Enterprise.  As a part of the ERO Enterprise, NPCC is committed to the collective vision of a highly reliable and secure North American bulk power system and shares the joint mission of assuring the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the grid.  

NPCC carries out this mission through (i) the development of regional reliability standards and compliance assessment and enforcement of continent-wide and regional reliability standards, coordination of system planning, design and operations, and assessment of reliability, (collectively, “regional entity activities”), and (ii) the establishment of regionally-specific criteria, and monitoring and enforcement of compliance with such criteria (collectively, “criteria services activities”).  NPCC provides the functions and services for Northeastern North America of a cross-border Regional Entity through its regional entity division, as well as regionally-specific criteria services for Northeastern North America through its criteria services division.

The NPCC geographic region includes the State of New York and the six New England states as well as the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Québec and the Maritime provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.  Overall, NPCC covers an area of nearly 1.2 million square miles, populated by more than 55 million people.  In total, from a net energy for load perspective, NPCC is approximately 46% U.S. and 54% Canadian.  With regard to Canada, approximately 70% of Canadian net energy for load is within the NPCC Region.  

NPCC’s regional entity division operates under a delegation agreement with NERC.  This agreement recognizes that NPCC meets the qualifications for delegation of certain roles, responsibilities and authorities of a cross-border regional entity as defined by Section 215 of the Federal Power Act in the U.S. and through Canadian provincial regulatory and/or governmental Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) or Agreements.

NPCC’s Amended and Restated Bylaws provide for open, inclusive membership, and fair and non-discriminatory governance with the corporation's activities directed by a balanced stakeholder Board of Directors.

Our History


On November 9, a major blackout occurs affecting 30 million customers in Northeastern United States and Southeastern Ontario, Canada.

NPCC initially was compromised of most the entities that had previously participated in CANUSE (Canada-United States Eastern Interconnection), a much looser and less formal operating/planning organization. NPCC’s formation was consistent with Recommendation #4 of the U.S. Federal Power Commission NORTHEAST POWER FAILURE November 9 & 10, 1965: Report to the President:

  1. The systems in the CANUSE area should plan their future growth and operate their systems on a fully coordinated basis if they are to achieve maximum reliability of service. Achievement of this goal requires close coordination of system planning and operation, which would be easier achieve if the companies established one or more unified planning and operating groups which made this their primary responsibility. We recommend delegation to such planning and operating groups of sufficient responsibility to assure the performance of those functions which close intersystem coordination


On January 19, executives representing the electric systems in New York, New England, and Ontario sign NPCC’s original Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), to “promote reliability and efficiency of electric service in the interconnected systems of the signatory parties by extending the coordination of their system planning and operating procedures.”


The U.S. Federal Power Commission report on the blackout recommends:

“A council on power coordination made up of representatives from each of the nation’s Regional coordinating organizations to exchange and disseminate information on Regional coordinating practices to all of the Regional organizations, and to review, discuss, and assist in resolving matters affecting interregional coordination.” – Legislation proposed: Electric Power Reliability Act of 1967


Twelve Regional and area organizations form the National Electric Reliability Council (NERC).


In January, New Brunswick joins NPCC.


On July 13, the New York City blackout occurred when multiple 345-kV lines in a common corridor in Northern Westchester County, NY were struck by lightning and tripped. The resulting load loss of 6,000 MW affected nine million people.


To recognize the Canadian membership in the Regional Councils, NERC changes its name to North American Electric Reliability Council, keeping the acronym NERC.

In November, Hydro-Québec joins NPCC.


Nova Scotia joins NPCC.


On August 14, the worst North American electric blackout to date occurs, affecting 50 million customers in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States and in Ontario, Canada.

U.S. - Canada Power System Outage Task Force formed to investigate the causes of the blackout and to make recommendations to prevent future blackouts


The final report of the U.S. – Canada Power System Outage Task Force on the 2003 blackout concludes that the single most important recommendation for preventing future blackouts, and reducing the scope of those that occur, is for the U.S. government to make Reliability Standards mandatory and enforceable.

In response, NERC translates its operating policies, planning standards and compliance requirements into an integrated and comprehensive set of 90 measurable standards called “Version 0 Reliability Standards.”

Additionally, a report on the “Examination of the Future Role of the Regional Reliability Councils” affirms the benefits of regional reliability assurance and recommends selective regional boundary realignment and consolidation.


On August 8, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 authorizes the creation of an Electric Reliability Organization and the delegation of statutory responsibilities, including compliance enforcement authority, to Regional Entities.


On July 20, NERC is certified as the Electric Reliability Organization in the United States, pursuant to Section 215 of the Federal Power Act. As one of eight Regional Entities, NPCC is delegated authority to perform certain functions from the ERO and is subject to oversight from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). NPCC promotes and monitors compliance with mandatory Reliability Standards, assesses seasonal and long-term reliability, monitors the Bulk Power System (BPS) through system awareness, and educates and trains industry personnel


On August 1, NPCC CBRE merges with and into NPCC, Inc. The surviving corporation is Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc., referred to as NPCC.


On February 2, FERC approves an Amended and Restated Regional Delegation Agreement between NPCC and NERC.

On May 8, the Régie de l’énergie, NPCC, and NERC enter into an agreement on the development of electric power transmission reliability standards and of procedures and a program for the monitoring of the application of these standards for Québec.


On February 5, the Independent Electricity System Operator for Ontario, NPCC, and NERC enter into a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the approval, monitoring, and enforcement of NERC Reliability Standards and NPCC criteria in Ontario.

On May 11, Nova Scotia Power Inc., NPCC, and NERC enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the approval, monitoring, and enforcement of NERC Reliability Standards and NPCC criteria in Nova Scotia.


NPCC becomes the Compliance Enforcement Authority for WECC’s Reliability Coordinator function. In 2014, NPCC terminates its Compliance Enforcement Authority as WECC bifurcates and the Reliability Coordinator functions reside in a new corporate entity to which WECC is responsible for monitoring.


On October 1, the New Brunswick Electricity Act and New Brunswick Regulations implementing Electricity Act (together, “NB Electricity Act”) came into effect in New Brunswick. Also effective October 1, the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board (NB EUB) and NPCC enter into a transitional contract for service, whereby NPCC began performing monitoring and enforcement activities under the new regulatory structure in New Brunswick.


On September 24, the Régie de l'énergie, NPCC, and NERC enter into an agreement on the Implementation of the Québec Reliability Standards Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program that provides the basis for monitoring and enforcing reliability standards in Québec.


On April 1, the Québec Reliability Standards Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program becomes effective and NPCC begins monitoring and enforcement activities in Québec under the 2014 agreement.


NPCC executes an Amended and Restated Regional Delegation Agreement. The Regional Delegation Agreement facilitates information sharing and emphasizes collaboration with the ERO Enterprise which is comprised of NERC and the Regional Entities.

On August 10, the NB EUB and NPCC enter into a contract for service and the NB EUB, NPCC, and NERC enter into a MOU. These replace the transitional contract for service entered into by NPCC and the NB EUB in 2013.

NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America