Canadian Compliance

The Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC) is dedicated to promoting and enhancing the reliability of the interconnected bulk power system in Northeastern North America. We achieve this mission through collaborative partnerships with regulators and industry stakeholders across our four Canadian jurisdictions: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec.
Our Partnerships
To ensure effective compliance monitoring and enforcement in each province, NPCC has established Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) or Agreements with key regulatory bodies and system operators. These partnerships provide a framework for cooperation and mutual benefit, allowing us to leverage our collective strengths and resources.
- New Brunswick: NPCC has an Agreement with the New Brunswick Energy and UtilitiesBoard (NBEUB), outlining compliance monitoring, enforcement, and related activities. For detailed information on New Brunswick's compliance program, standards, and sanctions, please visit the reliability and compliance section of the NBEUB's website.
- Nova Scotia: NPCC has an MOU with Nova Scotia Power Incorporated (NPSI) andNERC covering compliance monitoring, enforcement and related activities. Please note that recent legislative changes in Nova Scotia may impact the regulatory structure in the province.
- Ontario: NPCC has an MOU with the Independent System Operator (IESO) and NERC, covering compliance monitoring, enforcement, and related activities in Ontario.
- Quebec: NPCC has an MOU with the Regie de l'énergie and NERC, outlining specific compliance monitoring, enforcement and related activities. For detailed information on Quebec's compliance program, standards, and sanctions, please visit the reliability standards section of the Régie de l'énergie's website.
By working together with our partners, NPCC is dedicated to building a more resilient and reliable power grid for the Northeastern region.
View all Canadian Compliance Documents
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America