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NPCC conducts compliance monitoring and enforcement activities in accordance with the Agreement on the Implementation of the Québec Reliability Standards Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program and the Québec Reliability Standards Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (QCMEP).  Serious risk violations, intentional violations, and significant compliance failures are processed through a settlement agreement or through the Notice of Non-Compliance process set forth in the QCMEP.  The Simplified Identification, Correction, and Monitoring Procedure (SICM) is available for low risk Non-Compliance.

Other relevant governing documents include an Act respecting the Régie de l'énergie (CQLR., c. R-6.01) (sections 85.2 to 85.13) and the Agreement on the Development of Electric Power Transmission Reliability Standards and of Procedures.

The Régie de l'énergie’s Electric Power Transmission Reliability Standards Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement website provides Québec specific information about Québec’s Regulatory Framework; Policies related to QCMEP activities, the Register of Entities subject to Reliability Standards; Reliability Standards, QCMEP Framework, Implementation Plans; forms, and Audit Reports; Enforcement, and administrative activities.

The Régie de l'énergie’s système de Surveillance de la Conformité au Québec (SSCQ) should be used by Registered Entities in Québec to submit self-reports of Non-Compliance with Reliability Standards to NPCC.


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Inverter Based Resources (IBR) Registration Initiative Update

August 14, 2024

NPCC 101: Intro to NPCC and NERC

July 30, 2024

Security Notice

This is a Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC) information system. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding communications or data transiting or stored on NPCC’s information system. At any time and for any lawful purpose, NPCC may monitor, intercept, record, and search any communications or data transiting or stored on this information system. At NPCC’s sole discretion, NPCC may disclose pertinent information to the U.S. Government and its authorized representatives to protect the security of critical infrastructure and key resources, ensure information security, or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request. By continuing, you acknowledge that you understand and consent to the terms and conditions described in this notice. The actual or attempted unauthorized access, use, or modification of this system is strictly prohibited and may subject violators to criminal, civil, and/or administrative action.